The Reason Japanese People are Polite

Now, I think all of you who have read my 3 Differences post, have been long awaiting a post to explain why Japanese people are polite and American people are friendly. Well, now I can finally tell you. So buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the reason Japanese people are so polite! To answer… Read More The Reason Japanese People are Polite

Four Super-Delicious Japanese Foods that Sound Horrible in English

Has anyone from Japan (friend, family, etc.) recommended a Japanese food to you – that sounded, well… gross? Have you had an experience where you ate that food, and it was absolutely delectable? Well, whether if you have or haven’t, here are four gross sounding foods that you shouldn’t miss out on eating! 1 Green… Read More Four Super-Delicious Japanese Foods that Sound Horrible in English